Version 0.97.1 - 7th March, 2008 - Fix: Phenom did not display proper temperature. - Fix: Phenom randomly reports 255C (value ignored). - Fix: Phenom displays more than a single system tray icon per CPU. - Fix: Phenom 1/4 multipliers rounded improperly. - Change: C° and F° now will display °C and °F accordingly. Version 0.97 - 5th March, 2008 - Add: Vista x64 support - All drivers are now digitally signed! - Add: Logitech G15 keyboard support - see ReadMe!.txt for details. - Add: Support 45nm LGA775 Xeon series. - Fix: Opaque background in system tray wasn't 16x16 pixels. - Fix: Yonah based CPUs incorrectly detected. - Fix: 1333FSB Dual Core Conroe based Xeon incorrectly detected. - Fix: Dreaded cycle of "Driver can't load" messages if driver failed to load. - Fix: Socket AM2 Athlon-FX was not recognized. - Change: Core Temp layout on a Phenom. Version 0.96.1 - 15th January, 2008 - Add: Support for Phenom and "Barcelona" Opteron. - Add: Support all K8 processors. - Add: Support Intel Celeron M 500 series. - Fix: Wrong CPU speed on Intel ES chips. - Fix: Fix M0 Tjunction max detection. - Fix: Intel QX6850 CPU's rating shown as QX6650. - Fix: Intel E6550 CPU's rating shown as E6650. - Fix: Intel Celeron M 400 series detected incorrectly. - Fix: AMD Opteron for Socket AM2 reported as Santa Rosa instead of Santa Ana. Version 0.96 - 31st December, 2007 - Add: System tray icons configuration. - Add: Support for Intel's latest CPUs. - Add: ClearType font support. - Add: Time\Date column to the log file. - Add: Always on top option. - Fix: Core Temp does not proprerly display temperature and CPU select fields. - Fix: Log file layout. - Fix: Hide\Show does not properly Minimize\Restore window. - Fix: Core code names aren't properly detected. (Intel) - Fix: Incorrect\Missing CPU rating when not using stock\maximum multiplier. (Intel) - Fix: Wrong CPU clock is reported when using EIST\non-maximum multiplier. (Intel) - Fix: Wrong detection of Merom based CPUs. - Fix: Single core Athlon 64s and Semprons reading -49C constantly. (Rare) - Fix: C2D M0 rev. report very low temperatures. (Tjmax to 100C) - Fix: Layout and display of tool tip text in the system tray. (Now shows a core per line) - Change: Log the start and end of a session even if logging is disabled. - Change: Settings and Systray settings windows appear in center of main window. - Change: Rename "Tjunction" field to "Tj. Max" to make things clearer. Version 0.95.4 - 22nd August, 2007 - Fix: Core Temp causes restarts/BSODs on start. - Fix: Core Temp causes hard shutdowns on some AMD systems. - Fix: System tray icons are black squares on less than 32bit desktops. - Fix: Some other minor bugs fixed. - Add: Support new Intel CPUs. Version 0.95 - 17th March, 2007 - Fix: Revision F Turion/Turion X2 detected wrong. - Fix: Core Temp fully loads one core on a dual core AMD CPU. - Fix: Core Temp crashes on Dual Core Opteron 200 series systems. - Fix: Core Temp misdetected certain Dual Core Opteron CPUs. - Fix: Must set Core Temp to run as Administrator in Vista. - Fix: Can't see Core Temp GUI if Core Temp was last closed minimized. - Fix: C2D L2 rev. report very low temperatures. (Tjmax to 100C) - Fix: Core Temp reported wrong temps after a while. (Driver conflict) - Fix: Core Temp reported Max VID on Intel CPUs. (Now shows current) - Add: Show temperature in System tray. - Add: Manual refresh option by pressing F5 or "File" Menu. - Add: Show "Delta to Tjunction" temperature for Core 2 CPUs. - Add: Support for latest Intel and AMD CPUs. - Add: Minimize/Restore option in system tray icon right click. - Add: Save last window position. - Add: Prevent 2 instances of Core Temp from launching. - Change: Rewritten Intel CPU recognition code. - Change: Core 2 Duo codename change to Conroe-2M from Allendale. - Change: Pop up bubble-window with temperatures removed. - Change: Not Beta status anymore. Version 0.94 - 16th November, 2006 - Change: Only list physical processors in CPU selection. - Change: Improve Intel CPU detection. - Fix: Temperature log file not created in EXE folder. - Fix: Temperature log file left "Processor" field blank. - Add: An actual icon for the EXE/System tray. - Add: An option to display temperature in Fahrenheit. - Add: An option to start Core Temp minimized. - Remove: GCPUID button. Version 0.93 - 19th October, 2006 - Change: Remove 49C/35W TCM/TDP (AMD only). - Change: Reverse core numbers (AMD only). - Change: Start numbering from CPU/Core #0. - Change: "TCaseMax" label to "Tjunction" for Core 2 series. - Fix: Temperature overflow, would show "4294967296C° (?)". - Fix: A new "CPU is overheating" message appearing with each temp read. - Fix: Wrong VID (not VCore) reported in the 1.0xxV range on Core 2 series. - Add: Detection of CPU "C* State" (C0/C1/C2/C3, Intel only). - Add: Toggle logging On/Off. - Add: Select interval for reading temps. - Add: Select interval for logging. - Add: Disable CPU overheat warning. Version - 10th July, 2006 -Logging feature added - Just copy into Excel for easy graphing. - Fixed a bug where some programs would cause the program's driver to fail. Version - 5th July, 2006 - Removed Sensor Offset support - Since it gave very inaccurate readings. - Fixed a bug where a non-CnQ chip would report x4 Multiplier. Version - 5th July, 2006 - Added Sensor Offset support for more accurate results. - Fixed a bug with the program failing to show temps lower than 0C. Version - 5th July, 2006 - Fixed a bug with Ballon tip always showing 0C. - More text formatting. Version - 4th July, 2006 - Integrated "AMD64 TCaseMax" - For RevE chips only. - Added support for the whole K8 series of CPUs. - Fixed some small GUI bugs. Version - 18th June, 2006 - Added Revision F AMD CPU support. - Added Tjunction detection on Yonah/Conroe/Merom for accurate temperature readings. - Fixed some bugs. Version - 12th May, 2006 - Added proper Merom*/Conroe** support. - Fixed some GUI problems. - Added code to prevent potential endless loop. - If "Read Valid" flag is not set, will show (?) after the temperature value. * On a Merom it will report the temperature delta to Tjunction (Max temp defined by Intel). ** Conroe might not support this feature. Version - 24th April, 2006 - First public beta release.